Specialists in Health Care and Pharmacy Consulting

Epic Optimization

 Project Management

The level of expertise heading your project will dramatically impact the success of the project. Project management services ensure that there is a successful impact and a positive experience had by all involved parties. Our experts work with leading healthcare institutions to ensure projects are executed efficiently on time, on budget and effectively achieving project goals.

Pre go-live to Post-activation – Full continuum support

Success at activation lies in a proactive approach. With the correct strategy you can shorten timelines, decrease support costs and significantly improve the out-of-the-box performance of your Epic health information technology. Pre-activation experts work closely with key members of your organization to:


Capitalize on the opportunity to maximize all the potentials inherent in the Epic HIT. Whether in the initial planning stage or stabilizing a post-implementation, there are always opportunities to give your staff more efficient tools and a larger repertoire of capabilities to support HIT workflow, patient care and your bottom line.

Our experts have proven methods of refinement. Consultants with established operational experience examine current clinical workflows, configurations, business workflows. This greater detail will help you have a better understanding of your strengths and vulnerabilities. These experts map your current state and benchmark it against where you want to be. They then provide a detailed road map of the steps you need to get there from start to finish. Our team shares the universal goal to maximize end user efficiency.